Prof. Tumaini S. Gurumo

Prof. Tumaini is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Maritime Transport.
She has been teaching at the Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute since 2005.
She served as acting Deputy Principal for two consecutive years since 2013 and was later on appointed in fully-fledged position in 2015.
She has a variety of experiences and expertise;
She teaches numerous modules such as maritime law; shipping insurance and salvage; carriage of goods by sea; and shipping business.
She has supervised a number of students and mentored junior staff. She has participated in a wide range of assignments such as regulations drafting, skills development, policy formulation and quality assurance.
Prof. Tumaini is the author of a book titled “UCHUMI WA BLUU: Fursa na Chachu ya Maendeleo” and she has published scholarly articles in international journals. Blue economy, improving Tanzania maritime sector, law and policy are among her current research areas of interest.
Ph.D. International Maritime Law, Dalian Maritime University, P.R. China
MSc. Maritime Affairs (Law and Policy), World Maritime University, Sweden
LL.B. Tumaini University, Iringa University College, United Republic of Tanzania
Diploma International Relations and Diplomacy, Centre for Foreign Relations, United Republic of Tanzania